CUH ED Staff Health and Wellbeing

Welcome to the CUH Emergency Department Staff Health and Wellbeing Group!

In the fast-paced world of emergency medicine, we know the importance of finding balance amidst the chaos. We know that investing in our physical and mental health is key to cultivating a strong, healthy ED team. Through our wellbeing group, we organise a diverse range of activities to unwind and connect with our colleagues, off of the busy shop floor. 

We’ve got a whole range of activities lined up to suit everyone’s tastes. Fancy a bit of zen? Join us for some relaxing yoga sessions. Need to blow off some steam? Dive into our swimming outings. And when it’s time to unwind, our staff nights out that are guaranteed to be the perfect opportunity to kick back, relax, and connect with your colleagues beyond the hospital walls.

So, if you’re looking to prioritize your wellbeing and connect with your colleagues outside of work, come join us at the CUH ED Staff Wellbeing Group. We can’t wait to see you there!

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