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Welcome to
CUH Emergency Medicine

Emergency Department

Children's Emergency Dept

Major Trauma Centre

Patient Information

Working Process

What To Expect? The CUH Emergency Medicine Pathway

Check In

It is helpful to bring a GP letter, list of your regular medications, any letters/correspondence that relates to your medical conditions, your health insurance or medical card details and a contact number for the person designated to be your liaison between family and staff.


Triage is carried out on all patients who attend the Emergency Department, whether they present by ambulance, by GP referral, or self-referral so that the department’s resources can be utilised to treat the sickest patients first.


You will be assessed by an Emergency Doctor or Advanced Nurse Practitioner, whose role is to treat patients' pain and distress, and to identify and diagnose life threatening illness. Following a thorough assessment, further diagnostic workup, such as blood test and X-rays, may be indicated.


70% of patients will be discharged following treatment in the Emergency Department, with follow-up plans decided between the patient and treating clinician. The remaining 30% of patients are referred for ongoing and specialist care to the in-house specialty teams.

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